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168 是什么障碍模糊了我们向内看的视象?我们如何克服它们?
Oct 25, 2011: What obstacles blur our inward vision? How can we overcome them? Bhagawan gives us the answer today.

Aspirants must always have the inward look; if they allow the mind to wander outward, they cannot identify their own faults. It is hard to get rid of pride and self-love or ego (Ahamkara), for the mind has been allowed to flow in the direction it likes for several ages. Pride prevents the inner vision and confuses the examination of the mind. Some aspirants get very angry when others discover and announce to them the bad traits they possess. If you wish to achieve success, you must bow down to those who point out your faults, and you must endeavour not to entertain those faults any longer. Those prone to anger should to be vigilant even about the most minor matters that might provoke them and remove such impulses; because if they are careless, they cannot progress in the least. Such people must cultivate a humble, loving spirit. Then the bad traits will disappear.
-Dhyana Vahini, Ch 14: “Remove Defects in Character”.
修行人一定要能向内看,若是让心游荡于外,那就无法发现自己的缺陷。去除骄傲、自爱 ── 亦即我执,很不容易,因为几生几世以来,心念都被允许任其意而流向它喜欢的方向。骄傲会妨碍内省、内观,混淆一个人对其心念的检视。有些修行人,当别人发现他的缺点并告诉他时,会异常生气。想要修行有成,就要向指出你缺点的人鞠躬,并且痛下功夫,对那些缺点,不再明知故犯。容易动怒的人,要警戒任何会令自己动气的事 ── 纵使是芝麻小事,并去除那种冲动,如果他们不去注意这些事,就一点也不能进步。这种人一定要养成谦虚、仁爱的心态,那样,这些坏习性就会消失。
Anger breeds d'anger'. 'Ego’, Edges God Out. Remove these vices in you.

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