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166 什么是可兰经传递的讯息?世尊告诉我们伊斯兰教和印度教所传递的一致讯息。
Oct 23, 2011: What is the message of the Holy Koran? Bhagawan explains to us bringing out its unity with that of Hinduism.

“Allaho Akbar; La Illah Ill Allah” - this sacred formula signifies that God is the supreme sovereign; He is the undisputed, unexcelled Ruler of all Creation and He alone is worthy of worship. In the Bhagavad Gita too, Lord Krishna declares: “There is nothing higher than Me.” Thus Islam and Hinduism convey the same message. The Holy Koran advises the followers of God to acquire self--confidence and place all burdens on Him. It instructs that one must have implicit faith in the power of God and recognise it every moment to lead a meaningful life. One must follow the path laid down by the Lord until the very end. The Holy Koran is to be looked upon as a guide for the same. It has to be revered and observed down to the very letter. This is the spiritual instruction observed by the followers of Islam.
-Sathya Sai Vahini, Ch 23: “Modes of Worship”.
“Allaho Akbar(阿拉是伟大君主):La Illah Ill Allah”这个神圣的公式表示上帝为至高无上的君主;祂是万物的统治者,无与伦比,只有祂才值得膜拜。在《薄伽梵歌》里,圣主克里希那也宣称︰「没有任何东西在我之上。」可见伊斯兰教和印度教传递的讯息,是相同的。可兰经晓谕追随神的人,要有自信,将一切人生负担都交给祂,可兰经教导人,一定要对神的大能有绝对信心,时时刻刻察觉到那大能,以便过有意义的人生。主所定下的道路,一定要遵循不渝,直到最终,可兰经就是指南,必须尊敬,字字奉行,这就是走伊斯兰教这个法门的人所遵循的法。
Honour all religions. Each is a pathway to God.

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