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165 任何旅程都可能遇到障碍,心灵之旅也不例外。这些障碍是什么?我们如何克服它们?
Oct 22, 2011: Any journey is likely to be impeded by obstacles and so is the case with spiritual journey too. What are the obstacles in this journey and how do we overcome them? Bhagawan explains to us today.

You will make quick progress in the spiritual path if you overcome the difficult obstacles of anger, pride, conceit, the tendency to look for faults in others, etc. These operate subconsciously, like the currents in the depths of the ocean. You must be vigilant not to lose your temper, be it even in small things, for that will hinder your progress. Anger is the parent of all wrong behaviour and it can turn any person into bad ways, any moment, and in any form. So first and foremost sublimate it by systematic effort. Welcome gladly anyone who points out your defects; be grateful to them. Never entertain hatred against them, for that is as bad as hating the good. You must love the “good” and discard the “bad”. Remember, the “bad” should not be hated but given up or avoided. Cultivate humility and love towards all; undesirable habits will then fall away from you.
- Dhyana Vahini, Ch 14: “Remove Defects in Character”.
若能克服怒气(嗔)、骄傲、自大、以及喜好发现人家缺点,这些难以克服的障碍,则在灵性道路上,你会进展迅速。这些习性都在潜意识里运作,就像海洋深处的洋流一样。你一定要保持警惕,不发怒 ── 纵使是桩小事,因为那会妨碍你的进步。嗔是所有错误的举止态度之母,它可以随时让一个人失态 ── 以任何一种形式。所以,有系统的去努力,让它升华,是首要之务。有人指出你的缺失,要欣然接受,并感激他们,千万不要对他们有恨意,因为那和痛恨「善」一样糟糕,你一定要喜爱善,扬弃恶。记住,恶,不应该去恨它,而是要扬弃或避免它。培养谦虚和爱,不好的习气就会离你而去。
Desire destroys devotion, anger destroys wisdom, greed destroys work – hence these bad qualities must be sacrificed.

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