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163 赛的降临的目的是什么?
Oct 20, 2011: What is the purpose behind the advent of the Sai Avatar? Bhagawan explains to us giving His assurance.

I have a "Task": To foster all mankind and ensure for all of them lives full of bliss (ananda). I have a "Vow": To lead all who stray away from the straight path again into goodness and save them. I am attached to a "work" that I love: To remove the sufferings of the poor and grant them what they lack. I have a "reason to be proud", for I rescue all who worship and adore me, aright. I have my definition of the "devotion" I expect: Those devoted to me have to treat joy and grief, gain and loss, with equal fortitude. I will not give up my mission, nor my determination. I will never give up those who attach themselves to me. On this day 71 years ago Baba as a fourteen year old boy declared, “I am Sai Baba”. Later in a landmark letter to His elder brother, He clearly delineated His mission.
- The above is an extract from that letter written in May 25, 1947.
71年前的今天,巴巴宣告︰「我是赛巴巴。」(译者按︰沙迪亚.赛.巴巴就是舍地.赛.巴巴的转世。)当时他只有14岁。稍后,在一封写给他哥哥的历史性家书中,巴巴清清楚楚的勾勒出他的使命。以下就是摘录自那封1947年 5月 25日的信:

我有一件「任务」︰养护全人类,确保他们都活在至乐中。我有一个「誓愿」:拯救所有那些偏离正轨的人,引导他们回归善道。我执着于一项自己心爱的「工作」︰消除穷人的苦难,赐予他们所缺少的东西。我有个「骄傲的理由」︰因为我拯救所有膜拜和崇敬我的人 ── 以正确方式。我有我对「虔诚」的定义︰我期待那些虔诚信我的人,能以平常心看待乐与悲、得与失,坚忍刚毅,不屈不挠。我不会放弃我的使命,我的决心不会变,那些依归我的人,我绝不放弃他们。
I have come to light the lamp of Love in your hearts, to see that it shines day by day with added luster.

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