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162 什么是膜拜神的最好方法?有哪些供品可以供奉给神?
Oct 19, 2011: What is the best way to worship the lord? What are the offerings that can be made to the one who is the master of all? Bhagawan explains to us today.

True devotion is not bound by rituals or set procedures. The Gita talks about various offerings like patram (leaf), pushpam (flower), phalam (fruit), and toyam (water). These words should not be taken literally. The human body is the leaf that must be offered to the Lord. Like the leaf of the tree, the body too would one day die and decay; no one can say when that will happen. Before such a fate befalls, the body in its fullness, freshness, and purity, ought to be offered to the Lord. The flower of your heart is what would please the Lord most and not the ones purchased from the market, which fade in a few hours. The flower of the heart, that is totally pure, soaked in love, and perfect does not wither easily. And which fruit would please God? He is not interested in fruits that grow on a tree; Mind is the fruit that must be offered to the Lord. Lastly, the water the Lord wants from you is the tears of joy that flow when your heart is full of love for Him. These alone are the offerings that the Lord expects when you worship Him.
- Divine Discourse, 19th May, 2000.
真虔诚不局限于仪式或程序,《薄伽梵歌》里提到各式各样的供品,像是叶子、花、果、水。这些字不该直接按照字面意思解读。人体是要供奉给神的叶,就像树叶,人体有一天也会死亡衰败,没有人能预测那何时会发生,我们得在那一刻来临之前,将这个完整、新鲜、纯净的身体供奉给主。你的心花才是能让主高兴的东西,而非市场买来的花 ── 那几小时就凋谢了。心花,完全纯洁清净,浸泡在爱中,完美无缺,是不容易凋谢的。能取悦神的水果又是哪一种呢? 祂对树上长出的果实不感兴趣。心念是必须供奉给神的水果。最后,神要的水,是当你心中充满对祂的爱时,所流出的喜悦的眼泪。这些才是主所期待的供品。
God judges the devotee's love by the intensity of the feeling and not by the number of ways in which worship is offered.

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