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161 从人生的戏剧中,我们该学习什么教导?
Oct 18, 2011: What is the lesson we need to learn from this drama of life? Bhagawan explains to us today.

The game of life is a cosmic play that God is enacting. The actors, the dialogues, the cues and the songs have all been assembled by Him. He is the cast, the director, and the audience. In the epic Mahabharata, He filled one side with boundless material strength, but they were urged on by unrighteous greed, while the other side was ever-righteous and had the strength of the Atma which apparently seemed limited. In the cosmic confrontation and conflict between these two, the Lord stood forth as the arbiter who brought about the victory of right over might. The core lessons contained in the Gita are these — the seeker must surrender, with the feeling Karishye vachanam thava (Your word shall be obeyed), and must at all times fulfill one's duty. Again, in the Gita Lord declares, Swadharme nidhanam sreyah (In fulfilling the duty assigned to you lies your safety and prosperity).
-Sathya Sai Vahini, Ch 23, “Modes of Worship”.
人生这场游戏,是一场上帝导演的宇宙大戏,演员、对白、给演员的暗示、音乐,都是由祂凑成的,祂是演员阵容、是导演,也是观众。在印度史诗《摩诃婆罗多》里,对于一边人马,祂分配丰富无比的物质资源,但这些人为贪婪与不义所驱使。而另一边的人马,则始终合乎义,并具有阿特曼(真我、神性、自性)的力量 ── 然则表面上看起来他们力量有限。在这场双方宇宙大对决中,上主站在仲裁者的位置,让正义压倒强权而得胜。《薄伽梵歌》的核心教导是︰求道者必须抱着「尔之所言,吾等当遵从之。」的心态全然皈依,并要时时克尽自己的职责 ── 在《薄伽梵歌》里,上主还声称:「尽汝职责,平安昌盛自在其中矣。」
As long as man regards himself as the doer and enjoyer he cannot escape from the consequences of his actions.

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