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160 为什么视善、行善和存善是那么的重要? |
Oct 17, 2011: Why is it important to always see good, do good and be good? Bhagawan explains and cautions us today.
People may act as they please, but they cannot escape from the consequences of their actions; be it a simpleton or a great person. Let no one be under the illusion that one can commit sin and go scot-free. Wherever you go, the results of your actions will follow you like your shadow. God is always by your side saying “Tathastu! Tathastu!” (so shall it be!). People do not take cognisance of this truth and indulge in wicked deeds. Despite knowing pretty well what is good and what is bad, many struggle to give up their evil ways. You may do a number of good actions, yet you cannot escape from the consequences of your past deeds. Bear this truth always in mind. To avoid unpleasant consequences, always enquire before undertaking any activity whether it is good or bad. But you may wonder, if there is any way to escape from the consequences of karma (action s). Yes, it is possible for those who earn the grace of God.
- Divine Discourse, Jul 21, 2005. |
人们可以随其喜欢而行动,然而他们无法逃避自己行为的后果,愚人或大人物都一样。造了罪业而又能安然无恙的逃脱,希望没有人抱持这种错觉。不论你到哪儿,业报都会如影随形。上帝总是与你站在同一边,说︰「好,那就这样!」人们不去察觉这一点,而尽干坏事。许多人虽然明知何为善何为恶,却还是在挣扎,难以舍弃自己的恶行。你也许有一些善行,但你还是逃脱不了过去所造的业。这个真理要永远铭记在心。欲避免令自己不愉快的果,在行动之前,总是先问问自己,那行动是好还是坏。但你也许会想,有没有办法可以逃脱因果业报? 有,对于得到神的恩典的人,那是可能的。
Chant the name of God day in and day out. That alone will protect you at all times.
念唱神的名号,从早到晚,它能时时保佑你。 |
[赛的启示] |