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159 为什么爱是世上所有问题的万灵丹?
Oct 16, 2011: Why is love the panacea for all the ills of the world? Bhagawan explains to us today.

In this world, there is no power greater than Prema, pure selfless love. All the yogas (paths) mentioned in the Bhagawat Gita such as Jnana (knowledge), Karma (action), etc., are contained in Bhakthi Yoga (path of pure love towards God). There is nothing beyond this. Each and every yoga contains an element of selfishness. But that of Prema, is free from selfishness and all other impurities. It is only because of the absence of such selfless love that chaos, conflicts and confusion are prevalent in the world today. One who is interested in the welfare of humanity should practise this principle of true love.
- Divine Discourse, May 6, 1995.
在这世上,没有比Prema ── 纯洁无私的爱 ── 更大的力量,所有《薄伽梵歌》里提到的瑜伽(法门),像是般若智能瑜伽(法门)、行动瑜伽(法门)等等,都已经包含在Bhakti Yoga(虔诚瑜伽、诚瑜伽、奉爱瑜伽︰对上帝纯洁的爱)里面,没有东西超过它。每一种瑜伽法门都带有一点自私的成份,但是Prema的瑜伽法门不含自私或任何其他不纯净的成份。就是因为缺少这种无私的爱,今天这世界才会充满混乱、冲突、混淆。关心人类福祉的人,应该奉行实践这个真爱之道。
Love is the only solvent for the hardest of hearts.

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