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158 人生的目标是什么?我们如何实现它?
Oct 15, 2011: What is the goal of life and how do we achieve it? Bhagawan explains with a simple analogy.

In a game of football, the players on either side continue to kick the ball till it is sent to the goal. They must see to it that the ball does not go beyond the two posts that define the goal. The goal of life too consists of two posts: secular and spiritual. You are born as a human with the goal of not being born again. You must live within the frames of secular and spiritual pursuits. The six bad qualities — lust, anger, greed, desire, pride and jealousy are on one side, and the good qualities — truth, right conduct, peace, love, nonviolence and sacrifice are on the other side. The game is between these two teams. If you tread along the divine path you can experience peace, and also share it with others. Then you will be liberated.
- Divine Discourse, Apr 18, 1998.
Life is a game, play it.

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