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157 领会世间和执行活动的正确方法是什么?
Oct 14, 2011: What is the correct way of perceiving the world and performing our actions? Bhagawan explains and guides us today.

The correct thing to do is to perceive the Atma (Divine Self) in each and everyone, and help ever and hurt never. See Divinity in all and do sacred activities. If you are unable to help, at least do no harm. Being bound to the world with attachment to worldly objects is the wrong path. Instead take the positive approach of turning towards Divinity. The difference lies only in turning your mind. Turn to the world, you get bound; turn to God, you get liberated. God is without birth and death, and is an eternal witness; you must strive hard to earn the love of God. One who receives the love of God will earn the love of all. If you realise that Love is God, you will not get attached to worldly things.
- Divine Discourse, Apr 18, 1998.
All work is God’s; He inspires, He helps, He executes, He enjoys, He pleases Himself.

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