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156 一切经典的精髓是什么?它们教导我们什么? |
Oct 13, 2011: What is the essence of all the scriptures? What do they teach us? Bhagawan explains to us today.
Sath means God. You should have the company of God or proximity to God (sathsang). Chith is awareness. The combination of Sath and Chith gives Ananda (divine bliss). It is said that the essence of all scriptures is paropakaraya punyaya, papaya parapeedanam. We generally think paropakara means helping others. But here Para means God, upa means near, and kara means do or make efforts. The import is that you should make efforts to be near God. Papaya parapeedanam means to see the many in One is sin. Therefore you have to see the One in many, or unity in diversity.
- Divine Discourse, Apr 18, 1998. |
Sath意为「神」,你应该以神为伴,亦即亲近神(sathsang)。Chith是「觉知」,结合Sath和Chith,就得到Ananda(神性极乐)。据说,一切经典的精髓都在下面这句话︰“paropakaraya punyaya, papaya parapeedanam”。一般都认为,paropakara意指助人,但此处para意指神。upa意思是「近」,kara则意指「去做」或「下功夫」。所以整个字的涵义是︰要下功夫去亲近神。papaya parapeedanam意指︰在「一」中见到「多」是罪过也,你要在「多」中见到「一」,亦即,在「异(万象)」中见到「同(统一)」。
True love is pure, free from pride, and is full of bliss.
[赛的启示] |