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155 为什么我们被赋予身体和感官?
Oct 12, 2011: Why have we been given the tools of the body and the senses? Bhagawan gives us the answer and shows us the path.

God is within you in the form of conscience; follow your conscience. Some do not do so because of their attachment to the body. You have been endowed with the precious gift of the body with the sense organs to discharge your duties in the world and to do Sathkarma (good deeds). Always do things that are acceptable to God. Just as the same electric current passes through all electric gadgets of various types and sizes, so also Atma (Divine Self) is common in all beings. Stars are many, sky is one; cows are of many colours, milk is white; jewels are many, gold is one; beings are many, breath is one; countries are many, earth is one. Make efforts to comprehend that Oneness, the unity in diversity.
- Divine Discourse, Apr 18, 1998.


All are one, be alike to everyone.

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