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154 在灵修道上,我们始终应该记住并坚持的基本概念是什么?
Oct 11, 2011: In our journey towards Divinity what are the basics that we should always remember and hold on to? Bhagawan explains to us today.

Many people undertake Sadhana (spiritual exercises) in order to realise Divinity. But if they don't understand human qualities, all the efforts become exercises in futility. Without learning the alphabets, how can one pick up the meaning and usage of words, phrases and sentences? Human Values are the basic alphabets of spirituality. Develop human values and unflinching faith in the Divine. Master this and your Sadhana will be effective. You should also understand that there is no pleasure without pain and pain is only an interval between two pleasures. Whenever you have an unpleasant experience you should have the firm faith that it is for something good that you will be enjoying in the near future; and therefore stop worrying.
- Divine Discourse, Apr 18, 1998.


Human values are not mere verbal expressions. They originate from the heart.

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