主页 >> 赛的启示
152 我们可以忘记任何东西,只有一项除外。是什么呢?
Oct 9, 2011: We may forget anything in life, but this alone we should always remember. What is it? Bhagawan explains and extols us today.

All of you are embodiments of Divinity; your forms are Divine; you are not different from God. Experience this unity which is the Truth. God is not separate from you, but is manifest in you. Unfortunately, you tend to forget this truth, which amounts to forgetting everything. Meditate upon your reality and always remember this fact: “Wherever I am, I am always Divine”. Hold firmly to this belief. This is the truth contained in the scriptural proclamation Tat Twam Asi. Seeing God as Rama, Krishna or Swami is nothing but a mere dream. As long as you are in sleep, the dream appears real. The moment you wake up, the experience vanishes. Therefore firmly establish yourself in the truth – Tat Twam Asi (That thou art).
- Divine Discourse, Oct 25, 2004.


Where there is confidence there is love, where there is love, there is peace.

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