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151 为何每一天,每一刻都要以爱渡过?
Oct 8, 2011: What is the importance of having a loving disposition all through the day, every day? Bhagawan explains to us today.

Love is the most important factor in life. If you pray to God with intense love and devotion, your prayers will certainly be answered. Such is the power of love. Devoid of love one cannot achieve anything, even in this mundane world. Love is God, live in love! The whole universe becomes a vacuum without love. Realise this truth! There is no greater power than humanness in this world. All that we experience in the outside world is only a reaction, reflection and resound of the inner being. Let the flame of your love be steady, and unwavering. There is no greater sadhana (spiritual practice) than love. That is the spiritual practice you have to adopt at all times. Divinity is omnipresent. Practise Divine Love, so you can realize the omnipresent Divinity within your own self.
- Divine Discourse, Oct 25, 2004.


Love knows no fear, no untruth, no anxiety, no grief. God is pleased, when you share Love with everyone.

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