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149 庆祝Dussera 节的意义是什么?
Oct 6, 2011: What is the significance of the festival of Dussera? Bhagawan explains to us in His Dussera message today.

During the ten days of the Dussera festival, the rakshasas or demons, were destroyed. Rakshasas are not demonic beings but people’s bad qualities such as arrogance and negative thinking. When the Lord metes out a punishment, it may appear harsh. The penalty depends on the time, place and the circumstances in which the Lord acts. Butter can be cut with a finger, but a hammer is needed to break a piece of iron. The Lord deals with sattwic (peaceful) people in a sattwic way and uses rajasic (excitable) means against a rajasic person. Fearful forms and qualities have been attributed to the Divine, but this is not correct. The Divine has only one attribute: Love. Love is God and it pervades the Cosmos. View the world through the eyes of love and you will experience bliss.
- Divine Discourse, Oct 18, 1991.


God is the nearest, dearest, the most loving, and the most eager friend, comrade and kinsman of everyone.

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