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144 对神念念不忘,有什么好处?
Oct 5, 2011: What is the benefit of constant remembrance of God? Bhagawan explains to us today.

At times, your mind may wander to a multitude of things, refusing to remain focused on God. Like the fly that goes everywhere but avoids the fire, the mind flees from all thoughts of God. The fly will be destroyed if it goes into the fire; the wavering mind is also vanquished, when it dwells on God. Let the Name of God, Rama enter your mind, and kaama (desire) will be destroyed. Desire ceases to exist in a mind where God resides. Make your own heart a Prashanthi Nilayam, an abode of peace. This transformation must begin now: analyse your words, deeds, and thoughts and get rid of those that harm you and others. Then, cultivate instead, fortitude (sahana), peacefulness (Shaanthi) and Truth (Sathya).
- Divine Discourse, Sep 26, 1965.

有时候你的心念会游荡于一堆杂事之间,就是不专注于上帝。心念会逃离上帝,不去思维祂,就像苍蝇一样,到处飞来飞去,却会避开火。苍蝇若扑向火,就会被毁灭;摇摆不定的心若想着上帝,它就会被征服。让Rama(罗摩,神的名号之一)进驻你心中,Kama(欲望。译者按︰Kama与Rama谐音)就会被摧毁。心中有神来寓居,欲望就不复存在。让你的心成为百善地尼勒岩 ── 宁静之乡。现在就要开始这个蜕变︰分析你的思、言、行,除去那些会对你或他人造成伤害的部份,并进而培养坚忍刚毅的精神、宁静心和求真的精神。

Do not seek to discover or discuss the evil in others, for the attempt will tarnish your own minds.

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