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146 如何通过爱的灵道来体验万物归一?
Oct 3, 2011: How does one experience oneness through the path of love? Bhagawan explains to us today.

In this age of Kali, human beings move around like cruel beasts. Compassion is vanishing and ostentation is the order of the day. People claim to love God, but hardly one in a million actually does so. To deride God during times of adversity and to praise Him when all goes well, is not real love for the Divine. Divine love does not flinch in the face of difficulties, nor does it gloat over prosperity; it remains equally serene come what may. Life is full of transient ups and downs, but true love should remain unaffected by this. As long as you are full of hatred, the world too will appear so. It is only when you develop love, the dualism of good and evil can be transcended and you can experience the joy of oneness with the Divine.
- Divine Discourse, Oct 18, 1991.


Love will not submit to the forces of envy or hatred, however powerful they may be.

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