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145 圣雄甘地拥有什么样的素质,使他能够潜移默化印度人民,并后来被尊为国父?
Oct 2, 2011: What qualities gave strength to Gandhiji to mould the character of the people of India, who later lovingly adored him as the Father of the Nation? Bhagawan explains to us today.

Mahatma Gandhi looked upon India as one country and planted the seed of unity between faiths and communities. This quickly grew, under his guidance into a big tree. He built a great spiritual movement on the basis of Atmabalam (soul-force) that strengthened the people’s unity and self-esteem. While the freedom movement was alive, the selfishness that had held back progress in material, moral, political and spiritual fields, was suppressed. And though the people suffered, it was but a prelude to their success. Sathyagraha is the path of Truth and Love - of the means being as pure as the ends. Gandhi could mould the people of this land and be hailed as the Father of the Nation as he was humble enough to accept criticism gratefully and learn from others.
- Divine Discourse, Aug 15, 1985.

圣雄甘地视印度为一个国家,他为各信仰和族群间的融合,播下了大同的种子,在他的指导下,这种子迅速成长为一棵大树。他发起了一股势力强大的心灵运动,以来自自性的力量为基础,加强了人民的团结统一与自尊心。在这个争取独立自由的运动如火如荼的进行时,阻碍物质、道德、政治、心灵各方面进步的那种自私心受到有效压抑,虽然人民因此吃了不少苦,但那只不过是胜利的前奏。Sathyagraha(非暴力抵抗及不合作运动)乃是真与爱之路 ── 所使用的手段,和目的本身一样纯洁。甘地能谦虚的以感恩心接受批评,并向他人学习,故能潜移默化这块大地上的人民,而被尊为国父。

Love wears the mantle of Truth. One wedded to Truth, is ever young and vigorous.

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