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144 为什么明辨能力是正义生活的重要的一面?根据吠陀圣典,要采取什么措施以过着有意义的生活?
Oct 1, 2011: Why is discrimination an important aspect of right living? What according to the Vedas are the essential steps we must take to lead meaningful lives? Bhagawan explains to us today.

You may think that you are enjoying the pleasures, but really speaking it is the pleasures that are enjoying you. They sap your energies, dry up your discrimination, consume your allotted years, and infest your mind with egoism, envy, malice, hatred, greed and lust. The scriptures teach that it is important to remove these weeds from the garden of the heart; and in the grounds thus cleared, one must plant the saplings of Prema (love) and cultivate the fruit bearing trees of Dharma (virtue). Many who claim to revere the Vedas and Shaastras (scriptures) are not practising what they preach. Never plunge into action spurred by impulses; ponder deeply over the pros and cons, and then act so that you escape pain and also do not inflict it on others. This is true in worldly as well as spiritual matters.
- Divine Discourse, Sep 28, 1965.


Spiritual progress is right living, good conduct and moral behaviour.

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