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143 吠陀经描述各种不同的法门让求道者敬拜上主。世尊向我们解释其中两种法门。
Sep 30, 2011: The Vedas describe various paths through which a seeker can offer worship to the Almighty. Bhagawan explains two such paths to us today.

Angavathi and Anyavathi are two of the many paths of adoring the lord. The Universal Being is the Fire, the Wind, the Sun, the Moon and all else. He is the breath that sustains life and the rain that feeds the plants which provide sustenance. So He can be adored as having graciously assumed all these beneficent forms. This approach, through the benign manifestations of Angas, is the Angavathi path. Anga means a limb or a feature. Adoring Divinity by symbolising a certain facet of the Universal being is the Anyavathi path; Anya meaning the other or the appurtenances. Easwara or Shiva (the facet of dissolution) has the trident symbolising in its three prongs, the Past, the Present and the Future. Krishna, the manifestation of universal love, bears a flute which is the symbol of the egoless, desireless seeker. In the Anyavathi path seekers meditate on these pleasing personifications and the significance of the symbols and adore the Divine in the delight that wells up in their hearts.
- Sathya Sai Vahini, Ch 23: “Modes of Worship”

另外两种敬拜上主的法门是Angavathi 和Anyavathi。无处不至,无处不有的法身,是火、是风、是日、是月、是其他一切,是维系生命的元气,是滋润大地的甘霖,所以吾人可视祂以这些形相仁慈示现,而敬拜之。这种透过法「身」的各「部位」(Anga︰意思是「四肢其中之一」或「某一特征」) 亲切、和蔼、温和、良性的显现,来敬拜法身的方法,称为Angavathi法门。至于Anyavathi法门,则是用象征的手法,将法身的某一方面,以某种东西来象征,Anya的意思是「其他东西」或「附属物」。例如Easwara,亦即希瓦神 (Shiva;象征毁灭、瓦解的一面),所持的三叉戟,三叉分别象征过去、现在、未来。大爱的化身,圣主奎师那手持牧笛,那笛子象征无我、无欲的求道者。走Anyavathi法门的求道者,会去冥想这些悦人的人格化上帝,及其符号象征的意义,以喜悦的心敬拜上帝。

You can see the manifestation of God anywhere, only when you use your senses in a sacred way.

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