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142 要如何在专注于神这方面取得进展?
Sep 29, 2011: How can we achieve progress in concentrating our thoughts on God? Bhagawan explains to us today.

To concentrate effectively, establish your attention on a form that gives you joy. Sit in the padmasana (lotus) posture and fix your eyes on the tip of your nose. In the beginning, practice meditation for a minute; then for three minutes. A few days later try for six minutes and after some time, for as long as nine minutes. Thus the concentration has to be strengthened gradually, without undue hurry. Slowly the mind can be held for even half an hour; this discipline must be developed steadily. With practice, the mind will get fixed and the power of concentration will increase. To attain concentration and acquire one-pointedness, you must undergo exertion to some extent. You must fasten your mind on the Lord and keep off all other thoughts from the mental plane. By such exercise done constantly, your vision will be firmly fixed on the Lord residing in your heart . That is, verily, the goal, the full fruition of meditation.
- Dhyana Vahini, Ch 13: “Developing One-pointedness”

欲有效的一心专注,应该采用一个能带给你喜悦的形象,将注意力集中在它上面。结跏趺坐,眼观鼻尖,刚开始时,练习禅定一分钟,然后练习坐三分钟,几天后开始尝试坐六分钟,一段时间后,延长至九分钟之久,如是逐渐强化专注,不急于求成。渐渐地,能令心念定于一处,甚至长达半小时。这项纪律必须慢慢而稳健的培养,随着练习,心念就能定于一处,专注能力越来越强。要达到一心专注 (Ekagrata︰one-pointedness),必须费点功夫,努力让心念固定在主的身上,摒除所有其他念头。这样持续不断的练习,你的「目光」就能牢牢固定在你心中的神身上,这正是禅定的目标和圆满成果。

Tender hearts, holy thoughts and loving speech - these invoke divinity at all times.

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