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140 为什么培养良好的习惯是修道的基础呢?
Sep 27, 2011: Why is cultivating good habits foundational for spiritual development? Bhagawan reiterates today.

The senses are extrovert by nature and so they drag the ignorant perpetually towards external objects. Hence the spiritual aspirant, endowed with discrimination and renunciation, must suppress the outbursts of the senses, just as the charioteer wielding the whip and the reins does to the raging steeds. Uncontrolled senses cause great harm. But before using concentration and meditation to control them, cultivate good habits. Concentration must have Sathwa-guna (pure qualities) as its basis. The mind has to be purified by proper treatment of the character through good habits. Concentration has to follow this purification process, not precede it. Else the whole effort would be futile. Many great people have ruined their careers by aspiring for concentration without the discipline of good habits.
- Dhyana Vahini, Ch 13: “Developing One-pointedness”.

感官天生就是外向的,它们会不断的将无知的人拖向外在事物,所以求道者要以明辨能力和舍离心来克制感官冲动,就像古代战车御者,对狂野的马挥舞鞭子和缰绳一样。感官不加以控制,会造成很大伤害,但是在用专注和禅定控制感官之前,要先培养良好的习惯,专注必须以萨埵 (清净、纯洁) 德性为基础,要先以良好的习惯,陶冶品性,来净化心念。专注的训练是在这个净化过程之后,而非在其之前,否则全部努力都会白费,许多伟大人物,都因为求专注,却不在良好的习惯上面下功夫,而毁了自己的修为。

Habits mould your character and character decides your destiny.

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