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139 “吠陀”一词的含义是什么?即使在现代,为什么提倡吠陀经还是很重要?
Sep 26, 2011: What is the meaning of the word Veda and why is it essential to foster the Vedas even in today's times? Bhagawan explains to us today.

The root of the word ‘Veda’ means ‘to know’. Vedas are also known as Chandas; this means pleasant, joyous. Other important meanings of this word are vital, strong and shielded. All these are the qualities of the Vedas as it is shielding, fostering, promoting the welfare of humans engaged in the unceasing round of worldly affairs, and conferring the ultimate liberation. Humans are ever caught up in activities pursued with the profit available as the purpose. They have to be moulded as righteous men and women. The Vedas shield people on the path of action (karma marga) from engaging in unrighteous acts, and protect the seekers of knowledge (jnana marga) from the temptation of the senses. Through their role as armour or shield, they shower bliss on all who rely on them. The sacred ceremonies and rituals that Vedas ex pound confer joy and bliss not only on the participants but also on the entire world and beyond.
- Sathya Sai Vahini, Ch 23: “Modes of Worship”.

Veda (吠陀) 这个字的字根意思是:去知道。吠陀亦名Chandas,意思是愉快的、喜悦的。这个字还有活力、强壮、防护等重要意思,所有这些都是吠陀经的特质,因为吠陀经对无休无止从事世俗事务的人类,提供保护和养育,促进他们的福祉,并让其最终能获得解脱。人类从事活动,永远陷在那种「是否有利可图?」的思维中 (人类永远跳脱不出那种为了利而从事的活动),所以他们必须被塑造成为义人。吠陀圣典保护那些走行动瑜伽路线的人,使其不至于行不义之举,也保护那些追求知识,走在智瑜伽之道的人,使其不受感官诱惑。吠陀圣典如同护身铠甲,赐予极乐给依归它的人。吠陀圣典上记载的神圣典礼和仪式不但给参加的人带来喜悦,也给全世界和灵界众生带来快乐。

Do all acts as offering to God; do not classify some as‘my work’ and some as ‘His’ work.

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