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138 什么更重要,调伏心念或是控制感官?
Sep 25, 2011: What is more important, mastering one's mind or achieving sense control? Bhagawan explains to us today.

Remember the senses can do nothing by themselves; they are not independent. If the mind is brought under control, the senses can also be controlled. Some people undergo mere asceticism of the senses in order to control the mind! They are ignorant of the real discipline that is necessary - the destruction of desires. However vigilant warders may be, a clever robber can still steal in a hundred amazing ways. So too, however skillfully you may try to control the senses, the mind will drag them to its side and execute its desires through them. If only the outer door is closed and the inner door is left unbolted, calamity is certain. Therefore the aspirant should establish mastery over the external senses. But the mind too has to be controlled by means of Shanthi (peace) and Vairagya (renunciation). When this is done, one can experience Ananda (spiritual bliss) and visualize the Atma (Divine Self) within, at all times.
- Dhyana Vahini, Ch 13: “Developing One pointedness”

记住,感官本身成不了事,它们不是独立的。心念受到控制,感官就能被控制。有些人只是在感官上修苦行来控制心念! 却不知道真正该实行的修习乃是摧毁欲望。不论看守员多么警觉,盗匪总是有几百种神奇的偷盗方法,同样的,不论你多么有技巧的控制自己的感官,心念都会将感官拖拉过去,透过感官执行它自己的欲望。要是只关外面的门,里面的门没上闩,肯定会有灾难。所以求道者要调伏感官,但是心念亦要用Shanti (宁静) 和Vairagya (舍、舍离) 来加以控制,做到这一点,就能时时刻刻体验Ananda (极乐) 并见到自己内在的神性。

Spiritual path is the path of detachment, of sense control, of rigorous mind training.

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