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137 显性的自然界和隐性的上帝有什么关系?我们如何理解其潜在的统一性?
Sep 24, 2011: What is the relation between the manifest nature and the unmanifest absolute and how do we understand the underlying oneness? Bhagawan explains this to us today.

The latent Atma causes the patent world. Being is behind Becoming, and finally, Becoming merges in Being; the patent is absorbed into the latent. Just as milk flows from the cow, from the Supreme Person flows the power of maya as Prakriti (Nature) - the apparent manifestation. Milk is a composite of cream, curd, and butter, which can be separated out of it through various processes. So too, the five fundamental elements (earth, water, fire, air and space) were separated out through cosmic processes. Therefore what appears as the Cosmos is only the superimposition of the non-real Individual Self and the five elements on the absolute substratum - God. His Will causes this unreal multiplicity to be superimposed on the One that He is. He can by His mere will end it, for He is the Master of Maya.
- Sathya Sai Vahini, Ch 22: “Eternal Truths”.

隐性的阿特曼是显性世界的因,在「成(为)」的背后是「(存)有」,而「成」最后又没入「有」,显性的(世界)被收摄入隐性的(阿特曼)。如牛奶自牛身流出,摩耶 (Maya︰幻象) 的力量从原人(Purusha) 流出,显化为自然界。牛奶含有乳脂、凝乳和奶油三种成份,可经由种种程序分离出来,同样的,五大 (地、水、火、风、空) 也经由种种宇宙性的过程分离出来。因此,吾人所见之宇宙万象,只是附加在底层之上虚幻不实的小我和五大,底层是本体 ── 上帝,是祂的意志造成这虚幻不实的万象被附加在「一」── 祂自己 ── 身上,祂只要以祂的意志就能结束这过程,因为祂是摩耶的主人。

Subtlety is the essence of spirituality.

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