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136 冥想时,我们要如何处理心念和浮现的念头?
Sep 23, 2011: How do we tackle the mind and the thoughts that arise in it, during meditation? Bhagawan explains to us today.

The mind plans and executes innumerable deeds and roams over vast expanses, all in the twinkling of an eye! It operates with unimaginable speed. However while meditating, the mind should not be allowed to wander away from the object of meditation. Whenever it flies off at a tangent, it must be led back to the form meditated upon. Only one form has to be meditated upon in the beginning; do not change the object of focus everyday. To concentrate effectively, you must be careful not to have as your focus something your mind does not like, or that which causes pain or shakes your faith; for however hard you may try, your mind will not stay fixed on these. With time, even if unpleasant thoughts come, learn gradually to welcome them as beneficial, and seek to grasp the good in them.
- Dhyana Vahini, Ch 13: “Developing One-pointedness”.

心念会拟定计划并执行各式各样的行为,在广大的区域中游荡,所有这些都发生于一眨眼之间! 它的运作速度快到难以想象。可是在禅定时,不能让心漂离冥想的对象,只要心念一离开正轨,就要将其拉回所冥想的对象 (神的形象)。初期只需要冥想一种形象,不要天天换冥想的对象。欲有效的集中注意力,一定要小心,不要以你不喜欢,或是令你痛苦,或是动摇你信心的东西,做为冥想对象,因为不论你多努力,你的心都不会「定」在这些东西上。时间久了以后,纵使不愉快的念头浮现,也慢慢学着去欢迎它,视其为有益的,并去看它好的一面。

Whenever and wherever you put yourself in touch with God, it is the state of meditation. 不论何时,不论何处,与上帝联络就是在禅定。
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