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135 滋养身体的最佳方法是什么?
Sep 22, 2011: What is the best way to nourish the body? Bhagawan explains to us today with a lucid example.

There are many entrances to a temple. They are intended to let in devotees who seek to worship the God enshrined within. Similarly for the temple of this human body there are five gates - the five senses. What is the purpose of these doorways? If we build a house and erect doors in it, they are for the use of our kith and kin. If any stray animals try to enter, the doors are shut against them. Likewise the doors in this sacred body should be kept open only for good and divine entrants. Only then it deserves the name Kshetra (shrine). It ceases to be a temple if unholy objects are allowed to enter. What is consumed by the mouth is not the only thing that goes into the body. The other sense organs like the eyes, the ears, the nose and the hands also "consume" objects from the outside world. You must take in satwic (pure) food through all the five sense organs.
- Divine Discourse, 20 May 1990.

一座庙有好几个入口,让信徒能进来膜拜里面的神,同样的,人身这座庙也有五扇门 ── 五官,这些门的目的为何? 一栋房子开了几扇门,是要给亲友进出,要是外面游荡的牲畜想进来,门就关上,不让牠们进来。同样的,这副神圣的身体的门,应该只对好的、神圣的进入者开放,这样这个身体才够格称为「庙」,若是不神圣的东西进入,它就不再是座庙了。从口吃下肚的,并非唯一进入身体的东西,其他诸如眼、耳、鼻、手等感官一样也「消化」外在世界的东西,你一定要让所有五官都摄取萨埵性 (清净纯洁) 的食物。

For sacred thoughts and sacred deeds, sacred food is essential.

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