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134 为何我们要集中精神,一心专注?
Sep 21, 2011: Why should we focus the mind and concentrate? Swami explains to us today.

The mind conceives an object and dallies with it a little, but it soon discards it and runs after another one which it feels is more attractive! The Sadhaka (spiritual aspirant) has to be ever watchful of this tendency of the mind. When the mind flits from one thing to another, it must be brought back to the right path and the right object through concentration and meditation. That is the correct spiritual practice. If the aspirant does not make efforts to achieve this one-pointedness and allows the mind to follow its vagaries, the process deserves to be called ‘monkey meditation’, a type of meditation that is indeed very harmful to spiritual progress. You must redirect the mind to concentrate, to focus and to be one-pointed. Concentration endows you with divine joy, wisdom beyond measure, inner vision, insight into the deeper truths, clearer understanding and oneness with God.
- Dhyana Vahini, Ch 13: “Developing One-pointedness”.

心念会想着一样东西,把玩一会,但很快就把它扔下,去追逐另外一样更有吸引力的东西! 修行人要时时注意心念的这种癖性,当心念从一样东西飞到另一样东西时,一定要透过专注和冥想将其拉回正轨、拉回到正确的东西上面,那样修习才正确。要是不花功夫去达成这种一心专注,任由心中妄念纷飞,那这种禅坐该称做「猴子静心」,这种禅坐非常有害于灵修,一定要将心念拉回,凝神专注于一点。一心专注能让你获得神性喜悦、无比的智能、内在觉知、对真理深入的洞见、清晰的了解和与神合一。

Dedication ensures success, purifies inner vision and gives lasting joy.

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