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132 赋予一个人的是哪一些工具?如何应用这些工具以达到最终的目标?
Sep 20, 2011: What are the various instruments given to a human being and how does one use these to attain the ultimate goal? Bhagawan explains to us today.

The body, sense organs, mind and intellect are instruments for a human being. Only when one understands the secrets of these instruments will one be able to comprehend the Atmic Principle. If you cannot understand the vesture you are wearing, how can you understand the mystery of the infinite, indwelling Spirit? The body is the basic instrument for all the actions in life and for the acquisition of all knowledge and skills. But it should be primarily regarded as an instrument for realization of the Divine. Attachment to the body and utilisation of it for physical pleasures should be given up. It is essentially sacred and precious, for it is the abode of the Atma and should be used only for sacred purposes.
- Divine Discourse, 5 October 1997.

身体、感官、心念、智力是人的工具,只有了解了这些工具的秘密,才有可能了解神性 (佛性) ,不了解自己穿的衣服,如何能了解寓居你内部的那个无限的圣灵? 身体是行动和学习知识技能的基本工具,但最重要的是,要视它为了悟上帝的工具,要放下对身体的执着,不再用它来享乐。身体是神圣而宝贵的,因为它是阿特曼的居所,应该只用在神圣的用途上。

Only he is a true human being who recognises the indwelling divinity within the shrine of his body.

身体是一座庙,认得出寓居在这庙宇内的佛性 (神性),才真正算是人。
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