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131 中年和老年人应当尽怎样的本分?
Sep 18, 2011: What is expected of a person in the stages of middle and old age? In His message today, Baba explains this.

When in adulthood, one must foster not only one’s family, but also the progress of people in general. Besides this, during middle age, one must also live an exemplary life, inspiring one’s children and holding forth elevating ideals. Acts that benefit one's family at the cost of the society should be avoided; for, a selfish attitude is bound to lead one to failure. The Divine Principle can be realised only by purifying one’s activities and serving the Self in all. One must have a wide vision of the peace and prosperity of all humanity, and try to contribute to both. Old age is the final stage of life. By the time this stage arrives, one must have discovered that worldly pleasures are trivial and be equipped with spiritual joy, gained through delving into the inner spring of bliss. One must also be eager to share with others the accumulated knowledge and wisdom. Through the experience of life, one’s heart, by this time must be soft, and one should promote the progress of one and all without any distinction.
- Sathya Sai Vahini, Ch 22: “Eternal Truths”.


True devotion is to regard the universe as a manifestation of God and to experience it as such.

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