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130 根据圣典,学生和青年的职责是什么?
Sep 17, 2011: What are the duties of a student and a youth, as ordained in the scriptures? Swami explains to us today.

At first, the child is led into the world of knowledge when he is accepted by a Guru, whom he has to serve and obey without feeling burdened. Later, the young person should share with society the means and measures for its progress and security. In this stage one should start earning his income and learn to spend it wisely. The youth has to, by example, guide younger ones in the right direction and at the same time learn from elders, lessons for ones' own progress. He must do good deeds simply for the elation they confer. Understand that practice advances wisdom, just as reading enhances knowledge. The young person must cultivate humility, reverence, devotion to God and steadfast faith. Along with earning money and serving society, attention has to be paid to virtues and morality through righteous behaviour and sadhana (spiritual practices). One’s whole being must be purified and then directed along the path of sacred work.
- Sathya Sai Vahini, Ch 22: “Eternal Truths”.

开始时,孩子被师父接纳,引领进入知识的世界,对于师父,孩子得毫无怨言的服事并服从。孩子成为青年后,就应该将其所学到的方法和措施,和社会分享,促进其进步和安全。在这个阶段,他应该开始赚钱并明智的花费赚来的钱。青年的他,应该以身作则,引导年幼的人至正确方向,同时也向长者学习一些对自己灵性有所帮助的东西。他一定要行善 ── 不为了其他原因,只因为行善能让他喜不自胜。要知道实践能增进智能,就像读书能增加知识一样。青年的他,要培养谦逊、尊敬、对神虔诚和坚定不移的信心这些美德。在赚钱和服务社会的同时,还要行为正当并从事修行,以长养美德和道德。整个身心灵一定要加以净化,然后引导其走在从事神圣工作的路线上。

The world's prosperity or otherwise is dependent upon the character of the young men and women.

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