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128 世尊称呼我们为神性的化身。什么是神性或阿特曼( Atma)?
Sep 15, 2011: Bhagawan addresses us as embodiments of the Divine Self. What is this Divine Self or Atma? Bhagawan explains this to us today through simple examples.

The Atma (Divine Self) has no entry or exit, no form or imperfection. It is subtler than the subtlest, greater than the greatest. Like space, it is all pervasive - and being ‘everything’ it is free from the feelings, ‘I and mine’. Just as fire is heat, Atma is consciousness. As it is beyond distress or delusion, it is Paramananda – supreme, everlasting ecstasy. The Buddhi (intellect), like the moon, has no light in itself; it only reflects the brilliance of the Atma which is like the sun. The Sun by its very presence dispels darkness and so is called the Enlightener; but it is neither doing this consciously nor is it duty bound. The Atma too, has no obligation, or duty. If asked how the Atma becomes a ‘doer’, the reply is: ‘Is the magnet acting, simply because the needle nearby moves? The Atma therefore is the core of all beings; the awareness in all.
- Sathya Sai Vahini, Ch 22: ”Eternal Truths”.

阿特曼 (神性、自性) 不来亦不去,无形无缺陷,细过最细之物,大过最大之物。它就像空间一样,无处不至,无处不有──而因为它是「一切」,故无「我」与「我的」之分别心。就像火乃是热气,阿特曼乃是意识,因其超越痛苦或颠倒梦想,故为永恒的至高妙乐。智性 (Buddhi) 如月,本身不发光,而是反射太阳 (阿特曼) 的光。太阳一出现,黑暗就被驱散,故称其为照亮者,然其驱散黑暗,并非蓄意如此,亦非迫于义务。阿特曼亦复如是,无职责,无义务。若问︰阿特曼何以成了「为者」(何以变成「有为」) ? 答案是︰因为铁针被磁铁吸引,就说是磁铁在动作? 故阿特曼乃众生之核心,万物内在之觉识。

Just as underground water sustains all the trees, the Atma is the underlying source of all the joy you experience.

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