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127 对于身体的目的,我们有何想法?灵修法如禅坐等对一个人的生活有何作用?
Sep 14, 2011: What should we consider as the purpose of the body? What is the role of spiritual practices like mediation in one’s life? Bhagawan explains to us today.

The body is the most wonderful workshop in the entire world, because it is the temple of the Lord. In this ‘spiritual factory’, impulses ought to be sublimated, impurities have to be weeded out and good tendencies nurtured. The uprooting of impulses is the goal here, though this is a very difficult task. While intoxicants enslave you only temporarily, impulses can overpower you for a whole lifetime! But they can be overcome with will-power, faith and determination. Do not give up, whatever the hardship you might face in this struggle. The very purpose of meditation is to attain freedom from these mighty and manifold impulses.
- Dhyana Vahini, Ch 11: “Liberation: Goal of Meditation”.

身体是全世界最神奇的工作坊,因为它是神的殿堂。在这个「心灵工坊」内,冲动得加以升华,杂染 (不清净;不纯洁的习性) 得除去,还要长养良好的习性。在这里,根除冲动乃是目标,虽然这件事很难。酒和毒品只能奴役你一时,冲动却能压倒你一生! 但这些冲动可以靠意志力、信心和决心来克服。在这场奋斗中,不论面对多大艰难,都不要放弃,禅定的目的就是在摆脱这些强大而多样的冲动。

Without surrender, there can be no liberation.

没有臣服 (全然的皈依),就没有解脱。
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