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126 为达到解脱,如果我们控制我们的冲动,并以良好的取而代之,是否足够?我们还需要做些什么吗?
Sep 13, 2011: For attaining liberation, is it enough if we control our impulses and replace them with good ones, or is there anything more that we need to do? Bhagawan explains to us in His message today.

While the liberated soul overcomes the impulses, an ordinary person cultivates them. One can use pure impulses to remove impure ones, but in due course one must discard them too; just as the thorn that is used to remove a thorn is also thrown away. If you wish to attain Self Realisation, it is not enough if you control the impulses; you must uproot them completely. Just like negative ones, good impulses too lead to bondage. This means that, even the purest desire - craving for liberation, has to be cast away eventually. One should attain the stage where neither good nor bad, attracts or repels; for a shackle is a shackle, be it of iron or gold. So if you wish to realise God, you should uproot your impulses, curb the mind, and strive to understand the fundamental Divine Principle.
- Dhyana Vahini, Ch 1: “Liberation: Goal of Meditation”.

获得解脱的人克服了冲动 (vasanas),而普通的人却去培养那些冲动。吾人可用清净纯洁的冲动来去除不纯洁的冲动,但是到头来清净纯洁的冲动也要抛弃,就像我们用另一根刺来挑出手或脚上的刺,挑出刺后,另一根刺也一起丢掉。想要明心见性,光是控制冲动还不够,你得完全根除它们。好的冲动也会像坏的冲动一样,让人受到系缚而无法解脱,这表示连最纯洁的欲望──了脱生死的渴望──最终也要抛弃。一个人应该达到那种对好或坏都不起好恶之心的境界──因为不论是金的还是铁的,手镣脚铐就是手镣脚铐。所以,欲了悟上帝,就要根除冲动、抑制心念,努力去了解那根本神圣原理。

Release from bondage to inborn impulses is the real liberation.

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