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125 如何克服心念?
Sep 12, 2011: How can we overcome the mind? Swami answers this important question for us today.

Attachment makes the mind dwell on the things of the world. When the mind is free of attachment, it remains unaffected by the objective world. The mind is like a cloth and there are three different impulses which colour it: sathwic, pure impulses which make it white; rajasic, restless tendencies that turn it red, while thamasic, slothful impulses that give it a black colour. Some people find these impulses extremely difficult to control even after many years of practice. If you are disturbed by such inclinations, you must fortify yourself with faith and act to conquer them by will power. Meditation and concentration can help you overcome these impulses.
- Dhyana Vahini, Ch 1: “Liberation: Goal of Meditation”.

执着心使人老是想着世间之事。心中没有执着和迷恋,就不会为客观环境所影响。心就像块布,有三种冲动会将其染色︰(一) 萨埵 (清净、纯洁) 性的冲动,将布染成白色;(二) 激性 (躁动) 的倾向,将布染成红色;(三) 惰性的冲动、习气,将布染上黑色。有些人修行多年,仍然觉得这些冲动难以驾驭,若你为这些习气、倾向所扰,那一定要加强信心,用意志力征服它们。禅定和凝神有助于克服这些冲动。

Command the mind, regulate your conduct, keep your heart straight and clear - you will get the grace of God.

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