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124 保持健康的身体和健全的心智的最好方法是什么?
Sep 11, 2011: What is the best way to maintain a healthy body and a sound mind? Bhagawan describes the present day lifestyle and also guides us.

In this era of technology it is becoming increasingly difficult to lead a peaceful life; people are falling victim to various physical and mental ailments. Many people in the cities which are on the front line of civilization, have lost the delight of natural sleep. They experience only artificial sleep induced by tablets. Due to such excessive use of medication, heart and blood pressure problems are on the rise. People are becoming unhealthy wrecks who are lost in fear and anxiety. Drugs and pills are produced in millions, but the general health has not improved. In fact new varieties of illnesses have emerged and are developing fast. Only a few intelligent people have realized the efficacy of yoga and other spiritual practices. This they have confirmed through their own experience.
- Sathya Sai Vahini, Ch 22: ”Eternal Truths”.


Spiritual progress is right living, good conduct and moral behaviour.

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