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123 为什么修行者务必根除心中的习气 ?
Sep 10, 2011: Why is it essential for a spiritual aspirant to uproot vasanas from the heart? Bhagawan explains to us today.

Remember, the one who is a slave to impulses and tendencies (vasanas) is devoid of Jnana (wisdom). In truth, such a person is a weakling. The impulses invade the heart, causing endless trouble. They remind you of the pleasures of past experiences and make you crave for them again. The desires that arise thus, make the senses and their leader, the mind, restless; having no choice, you then pursue these cravings. The impulses operate so subtly and powerfully, that all this happens in the twinkling of an eye. Just as the seed contains within itself the trunk, branches, twigs, leaves, flowers and fruits, so too, all these effects lie dormant in the vasanas. But let Me assure you - there is no cause for despair! You can regain your divine nature that was lost by neglect, as soon as you uproot your impulses.
- Dhyana Vahini, Ch 11: “Liberation: The goal of Meditation”.

切记,一个为vasanas (想做某事的冲动;习气;熏习) 所奴隶的人,不会有般若智能。事实上,这样的人是孱弱之人。冲动和习气会侵扰内心,不断的带来麻烦。冲动和习气让你想起过去享乐的经验,使你渴望重温那种经验,欲望因之而生起,使你的感官和各感官的统帅 ──心念── 一刻不得安宁,害得你不得不去追求这些你所渴望的经验。这些冲动和习气,微妙而又力量强大,眨眼之间,一切就发生了。就像一颗种子之内,已经含藏了树干、支干、树枝、叶、花和果,同样的,所有这些「果」也都潜伏在vasanas中。但我向你保证,你不必绝望! 只要将这些冲动和习气连根拔起,你就能重获你那遭到忽略而失去的神圣本性。

You can succeed in annihilating the mind by uprooting your impulses.

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