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121 为什么你要抵抗及征服你的恶习呢?
Sep 8, 2011: Why should you fight the battle and conquer your vices? Swami explains to us today.

From the tree of the mind comes the seed of impulses (vasanas). These impulses in turn make the mind. To free the mind from the influence of the impulses one has to get rid of ignorance (ajnana). But ignorance does not exist alone; it has a fiendish offspring - the ego (ahamkara). And the ego in turn has two children - attachment and craving; both of these are closely interrelated. Attachment gives rise to feelings of ‘my’ and ‘mine’ which cause desires (or cravings); this leads to worries. Therefore to remove ego, attachment and desires have to be annihilated. And the way to achieve this is through meditation and other spiritual practices. When this is done liberation can be attained.
- Dhyana Vahini, Ch 11: “Liberation: The goal of Meditation”.

心是树,结出「习气」的种子,这些习气又回过头来造成心念。要使心不受习气影响,就得去除无明。然而无明并非单独存在,它有「我执」这个魔子,而我执又有两个魔孙──「执着迷恋」和「渴爱」,二者关系密切。执着迷恋让人生出「(属于)我的」的感觉,而形成欲望 (亦即「渴爱」);这就导致忧虑。因此,要去除我执,得消灭执着和欲望,这可藉由禅定和其他修习来达成,消灭了执着和欲望,就可得了脱生死的自在。

Reduce desire, evict the ego, eject anger, and the mind will be your slave instead of being your master. Love is the master key which can achieve all this.

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