主页 >> 赛的启示
120 一位已经领会了经典的教导的人,其特点是什么?
Sep 7, 2011: What is the distinguishing characteristic of a person who has internalized the teachings of the scriptures? Swami explains and motivates us today by giving us a wonderful example.

Enormous quantities of water are evaporated from the surface of the Earth by the Sun. This then transforms into clouds, and finally return to the Earth as rain. The wonder is that, in spite of this tremendous vaporisation, the level of the ocean does not go down even by an inch. Furthermore, even though thousands of rivers pour their waters into the seas, the level of the ocean does not increase. Similarly, people who have practised the wisdom of the scriptures are never affected by praise or blame, whatever the source and quantity. Their hearts remain pure and calm.
- Sathya Sai Vahini, Ch 22: ”Eternal Truths


A pure heart is the essence of all spiritual practices.

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