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118 什么是世尊期望教师扮演的理想角色?
Sep 5, 2011: What is the ideal role Bhagawan wants teachers to play? Baba himself explains to us today.

Teachers! You must inspire your students by your example. You should combine practice with precept, like the physical instructor who demonstrates the exercises the students should perform. In the hermitages of the ancient preceptors, this was how the Gurus taught their disciples. Share with your students the teachings of great and noble souls. Education should be for elevation and not merely for obtaining degrees to earn a living. You should teach students discipline, humility and respect, and instill in them the spirit of service and the sense of fellowship. Imbue your children with confidence and courage. Unify them through love and love alone; give no room for anger, jealousy or hatred within you and teach the children the three P's: Purity, Patience, Perseverance. Armed with these three qualities, your students can protect the nation better than any army or atom bombs. When Truth and Righteousness are protected, the nation will be secure.
- Divine Discourse, 19 July 1994.


A good student is an offering that a good teacher makes to the nation.

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