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117 我们的人生目标应该是什么?如何使你的精神之旅快步进展?
Sep 4, 2011: What should be the goal of our lives? How can you fast-track your spiritual journey? Swami explains the secret to us today.

Our life’s fulfillment lies in Atma-sakshathkara, the realization of Divine Self. To attain this, one must be entirely free from Vasanas, or mental and emotional impulses. Moksha, or liberation, means to be free from the influences of these impulses, which are of two types: beneficent and maleficent. The beneficent tendencies are sacred in nature. The maleficent ones feed the mind and make it unsteady, increasing desires for objective pleasures. If you nurture sacred aspirations (Shubha Vasanas), they will not multiply and influence the mind indefinitely. They are like fried seeds, which will never sprout. If you embrace benign tendencies, you can easily acquire Divine knowledge. You can acquire such liberating qualities by revering and conversing with great Saints, and following their advice; you should also practise the five human values .
- Dhyana Vahini, Ch 1: “Liberation, the Goal of Meditation”.

人生的圆成,在于明心见性,为达此目标,一个人必须完全没有Vasanas(心智上或感情上的冲动),「解脱」,也就是了脱生死,意谓不受这些冲动影响。这些冲动分为两类:有益的和有害的,其中那些有益的性向,在性质上是神圣的;那些有害的,则会助长心念,让其更不稳定,并增加一个人对于外在享受的欲望。若你培养一些Shubha Vasanas(神圣的渴望),它们不会繁殖增生并无休无止的影响心念,它们就像炒过的种子,永远不会发芽。若你能怀抱一些良性的性向,你很容易就可获得神性知识。你可以藉由景仰伟大圣者并和他们交谈,遵循他们的忠告,来获得这类有助于了脱生死的品格,你还应该奉行五个人类价值。

You are shaped by the company you keep; a piece of iron turns to rust if it joins with air and water. Iron glows and takes on useful shapes it if enjoys the company of fire.

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