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116 为什么印度文化那么着重于吠陀经?
Sep 3, 2011: Why in Indian culture, such emphasis and importance is given to the Vedas. Bhagawan reveals to us today.

The word “Veda” has originated from the root “Vid,” meaning “to know”; and as it is explained in the phrase, “Vidam thu anena ithi Vedah”, Veda is that which reveals and expounds all knowledge. The sacred Veda, instructs us in all that is required for one's spiritual advancement. It imparts that knowledge, by which one can overcome all sorrows, and also grants the spiritual disciplines which can bestow unshaken peace. It is hailed as Anaadi (beginningless), Sanathana (eternal), and Nithya (ever-present). As the spiritual quest was sincerely pursued along with material objectives, the sages of the past had the good fortune of receiving the Vedic message. Those ancient masters were so selfless and full of compassion and love, that they shared what they had heard and enjoyed with those who approached them. Vedas are like the force of gravitation - present everywhere, at all times. The Vedic message can be received by anyone, on account of one's Sadhana (spiritual practices), one's concentration and the ability to experience the bliss resulting from practising it.
- Sathya Sai Vahini, Ch 22: “Eternal Truths”.

Veda(《吠陀经》)这个字,源自字根 vid ,意为「知之」,如「Vidam thu anena ithi Vedah」这句话所解释︰启示一切知识,并加以解释说明,谓之吠陀。吠陀圣典教导我们所有心灵成长所需的东西,它传授知识,让我们克服一切悲伤,并传授灵性修习方法,让我们获得不可动摇的平静。《吠陀经》被奉为「无始、永恒、常在」。历代圣者除了物质生活外,亦诚心求道,是故都有幸得到吠陀圣谕,这些古代大师们毫无自我又慈悲为怀,充满爱心的将自己听闻来的神圣知识与前来求道的人分享。吠陀经就像万有引力,无处不在,无时不有。藉由修行、专注以及从修行中体验极乐的能力,任何人都能接收到吠陀的天启。

The essence of all the Vedas is: Do good to others and stay away from doing harm.

Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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Video - Teachings Video - Activities
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Bai San
~生 活 + 欲 望 = 人
  生 活 - 欲 望 = 神

~随 时 伸 出 援 手,
  永 不 伤 害 生 灵


~行 善, 向 善, 存 善

~责任是神, 工作是膜拜



~克制思维, 就能成为主导者

