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115 在我们日常生活中,为甚么诚信是那么的重要?
Sep 2, 2011: Why is it so important to practice integrity in our daily lives? Swami explains to us today.

Uttering the truth is easy, but lying is full of problems. One has to take a lot of trouble to cover up one lie with more lies. That is why it has been said: Sathyam brooyath; priyam brooyath; na brooyath sathyam apriyam - ‘speak what is truthful and pleasing and do not mention unkind truths’. God is the embodiment of Truth and Truth is the foundation of the Universe. This Truth is beyond the mind and it transcends space and time. You must live up to this Truth and realise that the Divine is present in everything. Only when you can recognise the omnipresence of the Divine, will you be able to experience God.
- Divine Discourse, Sep 15, 1988.

说真话较容易,谎言则会造成许多麻烦,一个谎言得费心用许多谎言来遮盖,所以古人说︰「信而美,则言之;信而不美,不言。」──「只说真实而悦耳的话;真实但不悦耳,则不提。」上帝是真理的化身,而真理是宇宙的基础,这真理超越心念所能及,超越时空,你一定要依循这真理并明了「道」(the Divine) 在万物中。只有当你认出道 (the Divine) 的无所不在时,你才能够体验上帝 (God) 。

Once you indulge in untruth, everything you do gets tainted by falsehood.

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