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112 什么是我们的宗教教义中的关键观念?
Aug 30, 2011: What are the key aspects in the teachings of our religions? Swami explains this to us today, from the tenets of Islam.

The Quran teaches that everyone must cultivate the sense of unity, of interdependence, of selfless love and of the immanence of Divinity. Prayer in Islam is a congregational activity. Group prayer produces beneficial vibrations and Islam assures great ecstasy when God is adored by a huge concourse of yearning hearts. All of them bow low at the sight of the Mosque. They bend down on their knees in rows, and lean forward until their palms and foreheads touch the ground; this is done as a mark of humble submission to God’s Will. God is One and the teachings of all faiths exalt His love, compassion, tolerance and sympathy. Islam teaches that God's grace can be won through justice and righteous living and never through wealth, scholarship or authority; sacred Love alone can please the Lord. This is the message of every religion.
- Divine Discourse, July 12, 1983.


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