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111 我们的修行进展的标记是什么? |
Aug 29, 2011: What are the barometers indicating our spiritual progress? Swami describes the various stages for us today, so we may march forward.
Develop faith in God. All names are His - Rama, Krishna, Christ or any other. Every man is the embodiment of the Divine. True human relations can grow only when this truth is understood. The first stage to Realisation is when you accept, "I am in the Light." Next you perceive and declare, "The Light is in me" and finally you realize, "I am the Light." 'I' represents love and 'light' represents Jnana (Supreme Wisdom). When love and light become one, there is Realisation. Love should come from within and not be enforced from outside.
- Divine Discourse, Sep 15, 1988. |
要培养对上帝的信心,所有的名号都是祂的名号──不论是罗摩、克里希纳、基督或是任何其他的名号,每一个人都是道的化身。唯有了解这个真理之后,人与人之间的真正关系才能成长。接受「我在光中。」,是明心见性的第一阶段,然后你觉知并宣称「光在我内。」,最后你了悟「我就是光。」。 「我」代表爱,「光」代表般若智慧,当光和爱合而为一,就明心见性了。爱应该发自内在,而非从外面来强迫。
One who is nourished by the nectar of Bhakti will have no desire for anything else.
[赛的启示] |