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109 要取悦于主,并赢得主的恩典,我们需要做什么?
Aug 27, 2011: By doing what can we please our Lord and win His grace? Our lord Himself gives us the answer today.

When you recite the name of God with love, carry out with your limbs the injunctions of the Lord and look upon the world as a manifestation of the Divine, you are bound to receive the grace of the Lord. Do not labour under the misconception that mere chanting of God's name alone is adequate; along with it you have to take part in sacred activities. Devote at least five minutes everyday for reciting the Lord's name and a few minutes for rendering some kind of service to the needy and the forlorn. Include in your daily worship a prayer for the welfare of all people in the world.
- Divine Discourse, Feb 8, 1990.


Consider service as conducive to your own spiritual development.

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