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107 我们怎能时时刻刻想象在我们之内的神性火光?
Aug 25, 2011: How can we visualize the effulgence of the Divine Self within us at all times? Swami explains to us today.

In the vessel of your heart is the wick of your jiva (inner self). This wick has been continually immersed in the water of your sensuous desires and so you are not able to light the lamp of wisdom. Pour out all the water of desires from this vessel, and fill it with Namasmarana (constant remembrance of God's name); take the wick of jiva and dry it in the sunshine of vairagya (detachment). If you follow this sacred method, you will be able to light the lamp of wisdom and no matter where you are, you will be able to see this jyothi (divine effulgence).
- Ch 31, Summer Showers in Brindavan 1973.


- 《夏日涼雨》 Chap. 31, 1973
The control of the senses and a disciplined way of life are the signs of a cultured man.

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