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104 世尊为我们开示:从克里希纳(Krishna) 的名称的含义,我们可以理解主克里希纳的原则。
Aug 22, 2011: We can understand the principle of the Krishna Avatar from the meaning of the name 'Krishna'. Bhagawan explains this to us today on the occasion of Sri Krishna Janmashtami, the day of advent of Lord Krishna.

Krishna is the embodiment of divine Love. The very word ‘Krishna’ means one who attracts: Karshatiti Krishna - ‘Krishna is one who attracts’. Krishyatiti Krishna - ‘Krishna is one who nurtures’, is another derivation of the name. This means that Lord Krishna cultivates devotees’ hearts, by removing weeds, sowing the seeds of good qualities and tending the crop of love. We can also say, Kushyatiti Krishna, meaning, ‘He who gives delight’. Krishna thus means, the one who cultivates our hearts and nurtures in them the crop of bliss. The principal message of Krishna’s life, is divine Love. This most precious divine Love is immensely powerful, resplendent and as indestructible as diamonds. In the same way that diamonds can only be cut with another diamond, if you want to experience such divine love, your love for God must be equally strong.
- Divine Discourse, Aug 24, 1989.

克里希那是「神性之爱」的化身,「克里希那」这个梵文字意谓「吸引者」,Karshatiti Krishna──「克里希那是吸引人者」。 「克里希那是养育者(Krishyatiti Krishna)」是另一个衍生意义,意思是,主克里希那靠除去杂草、播下优良品德的种子、悉心照料爱的农作物,来养育信徒的心。我们还可以说「Kushyatiti Krishna」,意思是「给人欣喜者」。所以,「克里希那」意谓︰养育我们的心,在我们心中培养「极乐」的农作物的人。克里希那一生的主要讯息是神性的爱,至为珍贵的神性之爱威力无穷,光辉灿烂,如金刚石般无法摧毁。就如同钻石只能用另一颗钻石来切割一样,欲体验这种神性之爱,你对上帝的爱也要同样的坚强。

It is to teach humanity the way of love that Avatars come in the world.

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