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103 不安和不快乐的原因是什么?我们可以做些什么以生活在和平与喜悦中?
Aug 20, 2011: What is the reason for unrest and unhappiness? What can we do to live in peace and joy? Swami explains to us today.

Unless you are filled with God’s Love, no amount of knowledge will give you peace. The craze for money is the cause of all the world’s ills. As craving for wealth increases, the yearning for God declines. Due to the desire for riches, other evil qualities like pride, greed, envy and hatred have grown among humanity. Wealth is necessary but it is the treasure of Divine Grace and Love that will last forever and preserve you; all other things are transient. You should also realize that God responds only to deep and genuine devotion; verbal supplications will not suffice. You must yearn so that God’s heart will melt. Even soft butter will melt only when you heat it. Likewise the warmth of Bhakthi (love for the Lord) has to be applied to the butter of the human heart, to make God melt.
- Divine Discourse, Aug 27, 1986.


All education, all wealth, all ritualistic worship or penances are of no value without genuine devotion to God.

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